Crazy. This thing could be "hidden" in any body of water, anywhere. Wonder how long the battery lasts in a dormant state. They are staying they stuck it in salt water for 2 months with no sign of damage. LINK
This is a super strange state of affairs. Say what? One solution... Teach your sponsorship folks (ad sales) how to move/sell podcast impressions? Another solution... Twice a year... pull the static content and force everything to a stream to solicit money? An out there solution... Fund the thing like the BBC and grow it 10x! Doing so might influence a change the media context such that a candidate for office would have a difficult time getting a unbalanced portion of attention by being crazy. Might it change the dynamics around clicks and impressions we have today? If not, then what might? Or, is it too late? LINK
When the author got to the comments I was reminded of the reasons we built Wonderment. LINK
This is unreal. Wow.